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KB Türkiye’de Kuzey Anadolu Fay Zonu’nun alternatif Güney Kol’u için bir hipotez

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 59 Sayı: 2, 115 - 130, 01.04.2016


Bu makale morfotektonik özellikleri, sismoloji, GPS ve MT verilerini kullanarak Kuzey Anadolu Fay Zonu'nun (KAFZ) güney kol'u için alternatif bir güzergah önermektedir. Bu yeni güzergahta güney kol, KAFZ’nun ana koluna Gölpazarı çek-ayır havzası ve Mudurnu üzerinden geçerek Bolu’da bağlanmaktadır. GPS verilerinden hesaplanan KAFZ’nundaki kayma dağılımı, yeni önerilen güzergahın KAFZ'nun Marmara'daki ikinci önemli kolu olduğunu göstermektedir.


  • Aktuğ, B., Nocquet, J.M., Cingöz, A., Parsons, B., Erkan, Y., England, P., Lenk, O., Gürdal, M.A., Kılıçoğlu, A., Akdeniz, H., and Tekgül, A., 2009. Deformation of western Turkey from a combination of permanent and campaign GPS data: Limits to block-like behaviour. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, B10404, doi: 10.1029/2008JB006000.
  • Aktuğ, B., Dikmen, Ü., Doğru, A., Özener, H., 2013. Slip rates near Karlıova Triple Junction by GPS Observations. Journal of Geodynamics, 67, 21-29.
  • Aktuğ, B., Parmaksız, E., Kurt, M., Lenk, O., Kılıçoğlu, A., Gürdal, M.A., Özdemir, S., 2013. Deformation of Central Anatolia: GPS Implications. Journal of Geodynamics, 67, 78-96.
  • Aktuğ, B., Doğru, A., Özener, H., Peyret, M., 2015. Slip rates and locking depth variation along central and
  • easternmost segments of North Anatolian Fault. Geophysical Journal International, 202, 21332149.
  • Ambraseys, N.N., Jackson, J.A., 2000. Seismicity of the Sea of Marmara (Turkey) since 1500. Geophysical Journal International, 141, F1-F6.
  • Ambraseys, N., 2002. The seismic activity of the Marmara Sea Region over the last 2000 years. Bulletin of Seismological Society America, 92, 1–18.
  • Ambraseys, N., 2009. Earthquakes in the Mediterranean and Middle East: a multidisciplinary study of seismicity up to 1900. Cambridge University Press.
  • Armijo, R., Meyer, B., Hubert, A., Barka, A., 1999. Westward propagation of the North Anatolian fault into the northern Aegean: Timing and kinematics. Geology, 27, 267-270.
  • Armijo, R., Meyer, B., Navarro, S., King, G., Barka, A., 2002. Asymmetric slip partitioning in the Sea of Marmara pull-apart: a clue to propagation processes of the North Anatolian Fault? Terra Nova, 14, 80-86.
  • Barka, A., Kadinsky-Cade, K., 1988. Strike-slip fault activity. Tectonics, 7, 663-684.
  • Barka, A., Reilinger, R., 1997. Active tectonics of the Eastern Mediterranean region: deduced from GPS, neotectonic and seismicity data. Annali di Geofisica, 40, 587-610.
  • Barka, A., 1992, The North Anatolian Fault Zone. Annales Tectonicae, 6, 164-195.
  • Barka, A.A., Kuşçu, İ., 1996, Extents of the North Anatolian fault in the İzmit, Gemlik and Bandırma bays. Turkish Journal of Marine Sciences, 2, 93106.
  • Çağlar, İ., İşseven, T., 2004. Two-dimensional geoelectrical structure of the Göynük geothermal area, northwest Anatolia, Turkey. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 134, 183-197.
  • Ekmekçi, N., Nazik, L., 2004. Evolution of Gölpazarı-Hüyük karst system (Bilecik-Turkey): Indications of morpho-tectonic controls. International Journal of Speleology, 33, 49-64.
  • Ekström, G.A., England, P.C., 1989. Seismic strain rates in regions of distributed continental deformation. Journal of Geophysical Research, 94, 1023110257.
  • Emre, Ö., Erkal, T., Kazancı, N., Görmüş, S., Görür, N., Kuşçu, İ., Keçer, M., 1997. Morphotectonics of the southern Marmara region during the Neogene and Quaternary: TÜBİTAK Project Report YDABÇAG-426/G, 36–68.
  • Emre, Ö., Doğan, A., Duman, T.Y., Özalp, S., 2011. Bursa (NK 35-12) quadrangle, active fault map series of Turkey: General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration, Ankara-Turkey, serial number 9, scale 1/250,000, 1 sheet.
  • Eyidoğan, H., 1988. Rates of crustal deformation in western Turkey as deduced from major earthquakes. Tectonophysics, 148, 83-92.
  • Flerit, F., Armijo, R., King, G., Meyer, B., 2004. The mechanical interaction between the propagating North Anatolian Fault and the back-arc extension in the Aegean. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 224, 347-362.
  • Guidoboni, E., Comastri, A., Traina, G., 1994. Catalogue of Ancient Earthquakes in the Mediterranean area up to the 10th century. ING-SGA, Bologna 1: 504 p.
  • Gürbüz, A., 2010, Geometric characteristics of pull apart basins. Lithosphere, 2, 199-206.
  • Gürbüz, E., Seyitoğlu, G., 2014. Quaternary development of the Gölpazarı basin (NW Turkey). Geological Bulletin of Turkey, 57, 1-17.
  • Gürer, Ö.F., Kaymakçı, N., Çakır, Ş., Özburan, M. 2003. Neotectonics of the southeast Marmara region, NW Anatolia, Turkey. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 21, 1041-1051.
  • Gürer, Ö.F., Sangu, E., Özburan, M. 2006. Neotectonics of the SW Marmara region, NW Anatolia, Turkey. Geological Magazine, 143, 1-13.
  • Kaya, C., 2010. Deep crustal structure of northwestern part of Turkey. Tectonophysics, 489, 227-239.
  • Ketin, İ., 1948. Uber die tektonisch-mechanischen Folgerungen aus den grossen anatolischen Erdbeden des letzten Dozennimus. Geologische Rundschau, 36, 77-83.
  • Kondorskaya, N.V., Ulomov, V.I., 1999. Special catalogue of earthquakes of the Northern Eurasia from ancient times through 1995 (SECNE). Joint Institute of Physics of the Earth (JIPE), Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.
  • Koçyiğit A. 1988. Tectonic setting of the Geyve Basin: Age and total displacement of the Geyve Fault Zone. METU Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 21, 81–104.
  • Kurtuluş, C., Canbay, M.M., 2007. Tracing the middle strand of the North Anatolian Fault Zone through the southern Sea of Marmara based on seismic reflection studies. Geo-Marine Letters, 27, 27-40.
  • Le Pichon, X., Kreemer, C., 2010. The Mioceneto-present kinematic evolution of the eastern Mediterranean and Middle East and its implications for dynamics. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 38, 323-351.
  • Le Pichon, X., İmren, C., Rangin, C., Şengör, A.M.C., Siyako, M., 2014. The south Marmara Fault. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 103, 219231.
  • Matsu’ura, M., Jackson, D.D., and Cheng, A., 1986. Dislocation model for aseismic crustal deformation at Hollister, California. Journal of Geophysical Research, 91(B12), 2661–2674.
  • McCaffrey, R., 2002. Crustal block rotations and plate coupling, in Stein, S., and Freymueller, J.T., eds., Plate Boundary Zones American Geophysical Union Geodynamics Series 30, pp. 101–122. doi:10.1029/030GD06.
  • McCaffrey, R., 2005. Block kinematics of the Pacific-North America plate boundary in the southwestern United States from inversion of GPS, seismological, and geologic data. Journal of Geophysical Research, 110(B7), B07401, doi: 10.1029/2004JB003307.
  • McKenzie, D., 1972. Active tectonics of the Mediterranean region. Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 30, 109-185.
  • Meade, J. B., Hager, B. H., McClusky, S.C., Reilinger, R.E., Ergintav, S., Lenk, O., Barka, A., Özener, H., 2002. Estimates of seismic potential in the Marmara sea region from block models of secular deformation constrained by Global Positioning System Measurments. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 92, 208-215.
  • Nyst, M., Thatcher, W., 2004. New constrains on the active tectonic deformation of the Aegean. Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, B11406, doi: 10.1029/2003JB002830.
  • Okada, Y., 1985. Surface deformation due shear and tensile faults in a halfspace. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 75, 1135–1154.
  • Önde, E., Gürbüz, A., 2010. Morphotectonic setting of the Gölpazarı pull-apart basin: Implications on the region between the North Anatolian and Eskişehir fault zones, NW Turkey. Geophysical Research Abstracts 12, EGU2010-944-2.
  • Özener, H., Arpat, E., Ergintav, S., Doğru, A., Çakmak, R., Turgut, B., Doğan, U., 2010. Kinematics of the eastern part of the North Anatolian Fault Zone. Journal of Geodynamics, 49, 141–150.
  • Papazachos, B., Kiratzi, A., Papadimitriou, E., 1991. Regional focal mechanisms for earthquakes in the Aegean Area. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 136, 407–420.
  • Reilinger, R., McClusky, S., Vernant, P., Lawrence, S., Ergintav, S., Çakmak, R., Özener, H., Kadirov, F., Guliev, I., Stepanyan, R., Nadariya, M., Hahubia, G., Mahmoud, S., Sakr, K., ArRajehi, A., Paradissis, D., Al-Aydrus, A., Prilepin, M., Guseva, T., Evren, E., Dmitrotsa, A., Filikov, S.V., Gomez, F., Al-Ghazzi, R. and Karam, G., 2006. GPS constraints on continental deformation in the Africa - Arabia-Eurasia continental collision zone and implications for the dynamics of plate interactions. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, B05411, doi: 10.1029/2005JB004051.
  • Selim, H.H., Tüysüz, O., 2013. The Bursa-Gönen depression, NW Turkey: a complex basin developed on the North Anatolian Fault. Geological Magazine, 150, 801-821.
  • Seymen, İ. 1975. Kelkit Vadisi Kesiminde Kuzey Anadolu Fay Zonunun Tektonik Özelliği: Dr. Eng., İstanbul Tek. Univ., Maden Fak., 192 pp.
  • Soysal, H., Sipahioğlu, S., Koçak, D., Altınok, Y., 1981. A historical earthquake catalogue for Turkey and its surrounding–2100 BC to 1900: TÜBİTAK Project Report TBAG-341.
  • Şengör, A.M.C., 1979. The North Anatolian transform fault: its age, offset and tectonic significance. Journal of the Geological Society London, 136, 269-282.
  • Şengör, A.M.C., Tüysüz, O., İmren, C., Sakınç, M., Eyidoğan, H., Görür, N., Le Pichon, X., and Rangin, C., 2005. The North Anatolian Fault: A New Look: Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, doi: 10.1146/annurev. earth.32.101802.120415.
  • Tan, O., Tapırdamaz, M.C., and Yörük, A., 2008. The earthquake catalogues for Turkey. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 17, 405-418.
  • Tatar, O., Poyraz, F., Gürsoy H., Çakır, Z., Ergintav, S. Akpınar, Z., Koçbulut, F., Sezen, F., Türk, T., Hastaoğlu, K.Ö., Polat, A., Mesci, B.L., Gürsoy, Ö., Ayazlı İ.E., Çakmak, R., Belgen, A Yavaşoğlu, A., 2012, Crustal deformation and kinematics of the Eastern Part of the North Anatolian Zone (Turkey) from GPS measurements. Tectonophysics, 518–
  • Yaltırak, C., 2002. Tectonic evolution of the Marmara Sea and its surroundings. Marine Geology, 190, 493-529.
  • Yavaşoğlu, H., Tarı, E., Tüysüz, O., Çakır, Z., Ergintav, S., 2011. Determining and modelling tectonic movements along the central part of the North Anatolian Fault (Turkey) using geodetic measurements. Journal of Geodynamics, 51, 339–
  • Yılmaz, M., Koral, H., 2007. Neotectonic features and geological development of the Yenişehir basin (Bursa). İstanbul Yerbilimleri Dergisi 20, 21-32.

A hypothesis for the alternative southern branch of the North Anatolian Fault Zone, Northwest Turkey

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 59 Sayı: 2, 115 - 130, 01.04.2016


This paper proposes an alternative route for the southern branch of the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ) using evidence from morphotectonic features, seismology, GPS and recently published Magnetotelluric and Transient Electromagnetic (MT) data. In this new route, the southern branch connects with the main branch of the NAFZ in Bolu via the Gölpazarı pull-apart basin and Mudurnu. The slip distribution of the NAFZ as taken from GPS data indicates that the newly hypothesized route is the second most important branch of the NAFZ.


  • Aktuğ, B., Nocquet, J.M., Cingöz, A., Parsons, B., Erkan, Y., England, P., Lenk, O., Gürdal, M.A., Kılıçoğlu, A., Akdeniz, H., and Tekgül, A., 2009. Deformation of western Turkey from a combination of permanent and campaign GPS data: Limits to block-like behaviour. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, B10404, doi: 10.1029/2008JB006000.
  • Aktuğ, B., Dikmen, Ü., Doğru, A., Özener, H., 2013. Slip rates near Karlıova Triple Junction by GPS Observations. Journal of Geodynamics, 67, 21-29.
  • Aktuğ, B., Parmaksız, E., Kurt, M., Lenk, O., Kılıçoğlu, A., Gürdal, M.A., Özdemir, S., 2013. Deformation of Central Anatolia: GPS Implications. Journal of Geodynamics, 67, 78-96.
  • Aktuğ, B., Doğru, A., Özener, H., Peyret, M., 2015. Slip rates and locking depth variation along central and
  • easternmost segments of North Anatolian Fault. Geophysical Journal International, 202, 21332149.
  • Ambraseys, N.N., Jackson, J.A., 2000. Seismicity of the Sea of Marmara (Turkey) since 1500. Geophysical Journal International, 141, F1-F6.
  • Ambraseys, N., 2002. The seismic activity of the Marmara Sea Region over the last 2000 years. Bulletin of Seismological Society America, 92, 1–18.
  • Ambraseys, N., 2009. Earthquakes in the Mediterranean and Middle East: a multidisciplinary study of seismicity up to 1900. Cambridge University Press.
  • Armijo, R., Meyer, B., Hubert, A., Barka, A., 1999. Westward propagation of the North Anatolian fault into the northern Aegean: Timing and kinematics. Geology, 27, 267-270.
  • Armijo, R., Meyer, B., Navarro, S., King, G., Barka, A., 2002. Asymmetric slip partitioning in the Sea of Marmara pull-apart: a clue to propagation processes of the North Anatolian Fault? Terra Nova, 14, 80-86.
  • Barka, A., Kadinsky-Cade, K., 1988. Strike-slip fault activity. Tectonics, 7, 663-684.
  • Barka, A., Reilinger, R., 1997. Active tectonics of the Eastern Mediterranean region: deduced from GPS, neotectonic and seismicity data. Annali di Geofisica, 40, 587-610.
  • Barka, A., 1992, The North Anatolian Fault Zone. Annales Tectonicae, 6, 164-195.
  • Barka, A.A., Kuşçu, İ., 1996, Extents of the North Anatolian fault in the İzmit, Gemlik and Bandırma bays. Turkish Journal of Marine Sciences, 2, 93106.
  • Çağlar, İ., İşseven, T., 2004. Two-dimensional geoelectrical structure of the Göynük geothermal area, northwest Anatolia, Turkey. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 134, 183-197.
  • Ekmekçi, N., Nazik, L., 2004. Evolution of Gölpazarı-Hüyük karst system (Bilecik-Turkey): Indications of morpho-tectonic controls. International Journal of Speleology, 33, 49-64.
  • Ekström, G.A., England, P.C., 1989. Seismic strain rates in regions of distributed continental deformation. Journal of Geophysical Research, 94, 1023110257.
  • Emre, Ö., Erkal, T., Kazancı, N., Görmüş, S., Görür, N., Kuşçu, İ., Keçer, M., 1997. Morphotectonics of the southern Marmara region during the Neogene and Quaternary: TÜBİTAK Project Report YDABÇAG-426/G, 36–68.
  • Emre, Ö., Doğan, A., Duman, T.Y., Özalp, S., 2011. Bursa (NK 35-12) quadrangle, active fault map series of Turkey: General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration, Ankara-Turkey, serial number 9, scale 1/250,000, 1 sheet.
  • Eyidoğan, H., 1988. Rates of crustal deformation in western Turkey as deduced from major earthquakes. Tectonophysics, 148, 83-92.
  • Flerit, F., Armijo, R., King, G., Meyer, B., 2004. The mechanical interaction between the propagating North Anatolian Fault and the back-arc extension in the Aegean. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 224, 347-362.
  • Guidoboni, E., Comastri, A., Traina, G., 1994. Catalogue of Ancient Earthquakes in the Mediterranean area up to the 10th century. ING-SGA, Bologna 1: 504 p.
  • Gürbüz, A., 2010, Geometric characteristics of pull apart basins. Lithosphere, 2, 199-206.
  • Gürbüz, E., Seyitoğlu, G., 2014. Quaternary development of the Gölpazarı basin (NW Turkey). Geological Bulletin of Turkey, 57, 1-17.
  • Gürer, Ö.F., Kaymakçı, N., Çakır, Ş., Özburan, M. 2003. Neotectonics of the southeast Marmara region, NW Anatolia, Turkey. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 21, 1041-1051.
  • Gürer, Ö.F., Sangu, E., Özburan, M. 2006. Neotectonics of the SW Marmara region, NW Anatolia, Turkey. Geological Magazine, 143, 1-13.
  • Kaya, C., 2010. Deep crustal structure of northwestern part of Turkey. Tectonophysics, 489, 227-239.
  • Ketin, İ., 1948. Uber die tektonisch-mechanischen Folgerungen aus den grossen anatolischen Erdbeden des letzten Dozennimus. Geologische Rundschau, 36, 77-83.
  • Kondorskaya, N.V., Ulomov, V.I., 1999. Special catalogue of earthquakes of the Northern Eurasia from ancient times through 1995 (SECNE). Joint Institute of Physics of the Earth (JIPE), Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.
  • Koçyiğit A. 1988. Tectonic setting of the Geyve Basin: Age and total displacement of the Geyve Fault Zone. METU Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 21, 81–104.
  • Kurtuluş, C., Canbay, M.M., 2007. Tracing the middle strand of the North Anatolian Fault Zone through the southern Sea of Marmara based on seismic reflection studies. Geo-Marine Letters, 27, 27-40.
  • Le Pichon, X., Kreemer, C., 2010. The Mioceneto-present kinematic evolution of the eastern Mediterranean and Middle East and its implications for dynamics. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 38, 323-351.
  • Le Pichon, X., İmren, C., Rangin, C., Şengör, A.M.C., Siyako, M., 2014. The south Marmara Fault. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 103, 219231.
  • Matsu’ura, M., Jackson, D.D., and Cheng, A., 1986. Dislocation model for aseismic crustal deformation at Hollister, California. Journal of Geophysical Research, 91(B12), 2661–2674.
  • McCaffrey, R., 2002. Crustal block rotations and plate coupling, in Stein, S., and Freymueller, J.T., eds., Plate Boundary Zones American Geophysical Union Geodynamics Series 30, pp. 101–122. doi:10.1029/030GD06.
  • McCaffrey, R., 2005. Block kinematics of the Pacific-North America plate boundary in the southwestern United States from inversion of GPS, seismological, and geologic data. Journal of Geophysical Research, 110(B7), B07401, doi: 10.1029/2004JB003307.
  • McKenzie, D., 1972. Active tectonics of the Mediterranean region. Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 30, 109-185.
  • Meade, J. B., Hager, B. H., McClusky, S.C., Reilinger, R.E., Ergintav, S., Lenk, O., Barka, A., Özener, H., 2002. Estimates of seismic potential in the Marmara sea region from block models of secular deformation constrained by Global Positioning System Measurments. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 92, 208-215.
  • Nyst, M., Thatcher, W., 2004. New constrains on the active tectonic deformation of the Aegean. Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, B11406, doi: 10.1029/2003JB002830.
  • Okada, Y., 1985. Surface deformation due shear and tensile faults in a halfspace. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 75, 1135–1154.
  • Önde, E., Gürbüz, A., 2010. Morphotectonic setting of the Gölpazarı pull-apart basin: Implications on the region between the North Anatolian and Eskişehir fault zones, NW Turkey. Geophysical Research Abstracts 12, EGU2010-944-2.
  • Özener, H., Arpat, E., Ergintav, S., Doğru, A., Çakmak, R., Turgut, B., Doğan, U., 2010. Kinematics of the eastern part of the North Anatolian Fault Zone. Journal of Geodynamics, 49, 141–150.
  • Papazachos, B., Kiratzi, A., Papadimitriou, E., 1991. Regional focal mechanisms for earthquakes in the Aegean Area. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 136, 407–420.
  • Reilinger, R., McClusky, S., Vernant, P., Lawrence, S., Ergintav, S., Çakmak, R., Özener, H., Kadirov, F., Guliev, I., Stepanyan, R., Nadariya, M., Hahubia, G., Mahmoud, S., Sakr, K., ArRajehi, A., Paradissis, D., Al-Aydrus, A., Prilepin, M., Guseva, T., Evren, E., Dmitrotsa, A., Filikov, S.V., Gomez, F., Al-Ghazzi, R. and Karam, G., 2006. GPS constraints on continental deformation in the Africa - Arabia-Eurasia continental collision zone and implications for the dynamics of plate interactions. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, B05411, doi: 10.1029/2005JB004051.
  • Selim, H.H., Tüysüz, O., 2013. The Bursa-Gönen depression, NW Turkey: a complex basin developed on the North Anatolian Fault. Geological Magazine, 150, 801-821.
  • Seymen, İ. 1975. Kelkit Vadisi Kesiminde Kuzey Anadolu Fay Zonunun Tektonik Özelliği: Dr. Eng., İstanbul Tek. Univ., Maden Fak., 192 pp.
  • Soysal, H., Sipahioğlu, S., Koçak, D., Altınok, Y., 1981. A historical earthquake catalogue for Turkey and its surrounding–2100 BC to 1900: TÜBİTAK Project Report TBAG-341.
  • Şengör, A.M.C., 1979. The North Anatolian transform fault: its age, offset and tectonic significance. Journal of the Geological Society London, 136, 269-282.
  • Şengör, A.M.C., Tüysüz, O., İmren, C., Sakınç, M., Eyidoğan, H., Görür, N., Le Pichon, X., and Rangin, C., 2005. The North Anatolian Fault: A New Look: Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, doi: 10.1146/annurev. earth.32.101802.120415.
  • Tan, O., Tapırdamaz, M.C., and Yörük, A., 2008. The earthquake catalogues for Turkey. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 17, 405-418.
  • Tatar, O., Poyraz, F., Gürsoy H., Çakır, Z., Ergintav, S. Akpınar, Z., Koçbulut, F., Sezen, F., Türk, T., Hastaoğlu, K.Ö., Polat, A., Mesci, B.L., Gürsoy, Ö., Ayazlı İ.E., Çakmak, R., Belgen, A Yavaşoğlu, A., 2012, Crustal deformation and kinematics of the Eastern Part of the North Anatolian Zone (Turkey) from GPS measurements. Tectonophysics, 518–
  • Yaltırak, C., 2002. Tectonic evolution of the Marmara Sea and its surroundings. Marine Geology, 190, 493-529.
  • Yavaşoğlu, H., Tarı, E., Tüysüz, O., Çakır, Z., Ergintav, S., 2011. Determining and modelling tectonic movements along the central part of the North Anatolian Fault (Turkey) using geodetic measurements. Journal of Geodynamics, 51, 339–
  • Yılmaz, M., Koral, H., 2007. Neotectonic features and geological development of the Yenişehir basin (Bursa). İstanbul Yerbilimleri Dergisi 20, 21-32.
Toplam 54 adet kaynakça vardır.


Konular Yer Bilimleri ve Jeoloji Mühendisliği (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler - Articles

Gürol Seyitoğlu

Bülent Kaypak Bu kişi benim

Bahadır Aktuğ Bu kişi benim

Esra Gürbüz Bu kişi benim

Korhan Esat Bu kişi benim

Alper Gürbüz Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2016
Gönderilme Tarihi 15 Mart 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Cilt: 59 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Seyitoğlu, G., Kaypak, B., Aktuğ, B., Gürbüz, E., vd. (2016). A hypothesis for the alternative southern branch of the North Anatolian Fault Zone, Northwest Turkey. Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni, 59(2), 115-130.
AMA Seyitoğlu G, Kaypak B, Aktuğ B, Gürbüz E, Esat K, Gürbüz A. A hypothesis for the alternative southern branch of the North Anatolian Fault Zone, Northwest Turkey. Türkiye Jeol. Bült. Nisan 2016;59(2):115-130. doi:10.25288/tjb.298155
Chicago Seyitoğlu, Gürol, Bülent Kaypak, Bahadır Aktuğ, Esra Gürbüz, Korhan Esat, ve Alper Gürbüz. “A Hypothesis for the Alternative Southern Branch of the North Anatolian Fault Zone, Northwest Turkey”. Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni 59, sy. 2 (Nisan 2016): 115-30.
EndNote Seyitoğlu G, Kaypak B, Aktuğ B, Gürbüz E, Esat K, Gürbüz A (01 Nisan 2016) A hypothesis for the alternative southern branch of the North Anatolian Fault Zone, Northwest Turkey. Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni 59 2 115–130.
IEEE G. Seyitoğlu, B. Kaypak, B. Aktuğ, E. Gürbüz, K. Esat, ve A. Gürbüz, “A hypothesis for the alternative southern branch of the North Anatolian Fault Zone, Northwest Turkey”, Türkiye Jeol. Bült., c. 59, sy. 2, ss. 115–130, 2016, doi: 10.25288/tjb.298155.
ISNAD Seyitoğlu, Gürol vd. “A Hypothesis for the Alternative Southern Branch of the North Anatolian Fault Zone, Northwest Turkey”. Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni 59/2 (Nisan 2016), 115-130.
JAMA Seyitoğlu G, Kaypak B, Aktuğ B, Gürbüz E, Esat K, Gürbüz A. A hypothesis for the alternative southern branch of the North Anatolian Fault Zone, Northwest Turkey. Türkiye Jeol. Bült. 2016;59:115–130.
MLA Seyitoğlu, Gürol vd. “A Hypothesis for the Alternative Southern Branch of the North Anatolian Fault Zone, Northwest Turkey”. Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni, c. 59, sy. 2, 2016, ss. 115-30, doi:10.25288/tjb.298155.
Vancouver Seyitoğlu G, Kaypak B, Aktuğ B, Gürbüz E, Esat K, Gürbüz A. A hypothesis for the alternative southern branch of the North Anatolian Fault Zone, Northwest Turkey. Türkiye Jeol. Bült. 2016;59(2):115-30.

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