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Diyabetik Annelerde Antenatal Anne Sütü Ekspresyonu

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 3, 468 - 475, 05.12.2022


Antenatal anne sütü ekspresyonu, doğum sonrasında anne sütü üretimin zor olabileceği durumlarda, kolostrumun doğum öncesi dönemde sağılması ve saklanmasıdır. Özellikle gebelikte diyabeti olan annelerde doğum sonu laktasyonun hızlandırılması, emzirme başarısının arttırılması, yenidoğanın sonuçlarının iyileştirilmesi ve formül mama kullanımının azaltılması gibi nedenlerle birçok sağlık profesyoneli tarafından önerilmektedir. Literatürde antenatal anne sütü ekspresyonunun güvenliği, etkinliği ve kabul edilebilirliğine olan ilginin arttığı gözlenmektedir. Bununla birlikte, bu uygulamanın potansiyel zararları ve faydaları hakkında sınırlı sayıda kanıt vardır. Bu derlemenin amacı, diyabetik annelerde antenatal anne sütü ekspresyonunun etkilerini, anne ve yenidoğan açısından literatür doğrultusunda incelemektir.


  • Aliefendioğlu D, Çoban A, Hatipoğlu N, Ecevit A, Engin Arısoy A, Yeşiltepe G, ve ark. (2018). Yenidoğanda hipoglisemiye yaklaşım: Türk Neonatoloji ve Çocuk Endokrinoloji ve Diyabet Dernekleri uzlaşı raporu. Türk Pediatri Arşivi, 53(Supp:1), 224-233.
  • American Diabetes Association (ADA) (2012). Standards of medical care in diabetes - 2012. Diabetes Care, 35(suppl.1).
  • Anuk İnce D, Takcı Ş, Gümüşer R. (2014). Diyabetik anne bebeklerı̇nı̇n yenı̇doğan dönemı̇ sorunlari. Journal of Contemporary Medicine, 4(3), 115–120.
  • Blaikley J, Clarke S, MacKeith R, Ogden KM (1953). Breast-feeding: factors affecting success: a report of a trial of the Woolwich methods in a group of primiparae. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the British Empire, 60, 657-669.
  • Brisbane JM, Giglia RC. (2015). Experiences of expressing and storing colostrum antenatally: a qualitative study of mothers in regional Western Australia. Journal of Child Health Care, 19(2), 206-215.
  • Brown MS, Hurlock JT. (1975). Preparation of the breast for breastfeeding. Nursing Research, 24(6), 448-451.
  • Casey JRR, Banks J, Braniff K, Buettner P, Heal C. (2019b). The effects of expressing antenatal colostrum in women with diabetes in pregnancy: a retrospective cohort study. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 59(6), 811-818.
  • Casey JRR, Mogg EL, Banks J, Braniff K, Heal C. (2019a). Perspectives and experiences of collecting antenatal colostrum in women who have had diabetes during pregnancy: a North Queensland semistructured interview study. BMJ Open, 9(1), e021513
  • Chapman T, Pincombe J, Harris M. (2013). Antenatal breast expression: a critical review of the literature. Midwifery, 29:203–210, midw.2011.12.013
  • Clay TJ. (2005). Colostrum harvesting and type 1 diabetes. The Journal of Diabetes Nursing, 9(3), 111-116. Committee on Fetus and Newborn, Adamkin DH. (2011). Postnatal glucose homeostasis in late-preterm and term infants. Pediatrics, 127(3), 575–579.
  • Cox S. (2010). An ethical dilemma: should recommending antenatal expressing and storing of colostrum continue?. Breastfeeding review: professional publication of the Nursing Mothers' Association of Australia, 18(3), 5–7.
  • Cox SG. (2006). Expressing and storing colostrum antenatally for use in the newborn period. Breastfeeding review: professional publication of the Nursing Mothers' Association of Australia, 14(3), 11–16.
  • De Bortoli J, Amir LH. (2016). Is onset of lactation delayed in women with diabetes in pregnancy? A systematic review. Diabetic medicine : a journal of the British Diabetic Association, 33(1), 17–24.
  • Demirci J, Schmella M, Glasser M, Bodnar L, Himes KP. (2018). Delayed Lactogenesis II and potential utility of antenatal milk expression in women developing late-onset preeclampsia: a case series. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth.18,68. s12884-018-1693-5
  • Demirci JR, Glasser M, Fichner J, Caplan E, Himes KP. (2019). “It gave me so much confidence”: First‐time US mothers' experiences with antenatal milk expression. Maternal & child nutrition, 15(4), e12824.
  • Demirel G, Güler H. (2015). The effect of uterine and nipple stimulation on ınduction with oxytocin and the labor process. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 12(5), 273–280. wvn.12116.
  • East CE, Dolan WJ, Forster DA. (2014). Antenatal breast milk expression by women with diabetes for improving infant outcomes. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews, (7), CD010408.
  • Eryılmaz G. (2008). Laktasyon ve emzirme. Editörler: Şirin A, Kavlak O. Kadın Sağlığı. Bedray Basın Yayıncılık, s: 759-787.
  • Fair FJ, Watson H, Gardner R, Soltani H. (2018). Women’s perspectives on antenatal breast expression: a cross-sectional survey. Reproductive Health, 15;58,
  • Finkelstein SA, Keely E, Feig DS, Tu X, Yasseen AS, Walker M. (2013). Breastfeeding in women with diabetes: Lower rates despite greater rewards. A population-based study. Diabetic Medicine, 30(9), 1094–1101.
  • Forster DA, Jacobs S, Amir LH, Davis P, Walker SP, Mc Egan K, et al. (2014). Safety and efficacy of antenatal milk expressing for women with diabetes in pregnancy: protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMJ open, 4(10), 2014-006571
  • Forster DA, Mc Egan K, Ford R, Moorhead A, Opie G, Walker S, Mc Namara C. (2011). Diabetes and antenatal milk expressing: a pilot project to inform the development of a randomised controlled trial. Midwifery, 27(2), 209-214. j.midw.2009.05.009
  • Forster DA, Moorhead AM, Jacobs SE, Davis PG, Walker SP, Mc Egan KM, et al. (2017). Advising women with diabetes in pregnancy to express breastmilk in late pregnancy (Diabetes and Antenatal Milk Expressing [DAME]): a multicentre, unblinded, randomised controlled trial. The Lancet, 389(10085), 2204-2213. 313 73-9
  • Foudil Bey I, Murphy M, Dunn S, Keely EJ, El Chaâr D. (2021). Evaluating antenatal breastmilk expression outcomes: a scoping review. International breastfeeding journal, 16(1), 25.
  • Güvenç O, Güzeltaş A. (2017). Diyabetik anne bebeğinde görülen kardiyovasküler komplikasyonlar. Arşiv Kaynak Tarama Dergisi, 26 (3), 310-319.
  • Ingelman-Sundberg A. (1958). The value of antenatal massage of nipples and expression of colostrum. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the British Empire, 65, 448-449.
  • Karakaya Suzan Ö, Çınar N. (2019). Kolostrum: özellikleri ve prematüre bebeğe faydaları. sted, 28(5), 367-374.
  • Lamba S, Chopra S, Negi M. (2016). Effect of antenatal breast milk expression at term pregnancy to improve post natal lactational performance. The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India, 66(1), 30-34.
  • Lessen R, Kavanagh K. (2015). Position of the academy of nutrition and dietetics: promoting and supporting breastfeeding. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 115(3), 444–449.
  • Özkan H, Sakar T. (2017). Emzirmenin yeniden başlatılması: relaktasyon. Çağdaş Tıp Dergisi, 7 (1), 113-117.
  • Pekşen S, Çınar N. (2020). Anne sütü ve emzirme. Edt: Çınar N, Şahin S. Anne ve Çocuk Sağlığı İlk 1000 Gün (1 ed.). Akademisyen Kitapevi A.Ş., s:258.
  • Salone LR, Vann WF Jr, Dee DL. (2013). Breastfeeding: an overview of oral and general health benefits. Journal of the American Dental Association (1939), 144(2), 143–151.
  • Singh G, Chouhan R, Sidhu K. (2009). Effect of antenatal expression of breast milk at term in reducing breast feeding failures. Medical Journal Armed Forces India, 65(2), 131-133,
  • Soltani H, Scott AM. (2012). Antenatal breast expression in women with diabetes: outcomes from a retrospective cohort study. International Breastfeeding Journal, 7(18),
  • Stanescu A, Stoicescu SM. (2014). Neonatal hypoglycemia screening in newborns from diabetic mothers--arguments and controversies. Journal of Medicine and Life, 7, 3(3), 51–52.
  • Taylor JS, Nothnagle M, Kacmar JE, Lawrence RA. (2005). A systematic review of the literature associating breastfeeding with type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 24(5), 320–326.
  • Tozier PK. (2013). Colostrum versus formula supplementation for glucose stabilization in newborns of diabetic mothers. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing, 42(6), 619-628.
  • Türkmen H, Yalnız H, Karaca Saydam B. (2015). Gebelikte diyabetes mellitus ve ebelik bakımı. Uluslararası Hakemli Kadın Hastalıkları ve Anne Çocuk Sağlığı Dergisi, 11-25.
  • Türk Neonatoloji Derneği (TNND) (2019), Yenidoğanda Hipoglisemi, Erişim Tarihi:21.06.2021,
  • Uikey PA, Agrawal P, Khandale S. (2017). Antenatal breast milk expression at term increases postnatal lactational performance. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology, 6(6), 2438-43. 2320-1770.ijrcog20172327
  • United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF), Beslenme, Erişim Tarihi: 12.06.2021
  • Waller H. (1946). The early failure of breast feeding; a clinical study of its causes and their prevention. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 21(105),1–12
  • Weinel H, Cusack L. (2019). Lessons learned from the introduction of an antenatal human milk expression clinic for women with diabetes. Journal of Human Lactation, 35, 725–8. 4419836981
  • Wheeler, BJ (2013). Health promotion of the newborn and family. Hockenberry MJ, Wilson D. Editors. WONG’S Essential of Pediatric Nursing. United States of America: Elsevier, p. 214-216.
  • World Health Organization (WHO) (2011). Exclusive breastfeeding for six months best for babies everywhere. Erişim tarihi: 15.06.2021
  • World Health Organization (WHO), Breastfeeding Recommendations, Erişim Tarihi: 12.06.2021 =tab_2
  • Yu X, Li J, Lin X, Luan D. (2019). Association between Delayed Lactogenesis Ⅱ and Early Milk Volume among Mothers of Preterm Infants. Asian nursing research, 13(2), 93–98.

Antenatal Breast Milk Expression in Diabetic Mothers

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 3, 468 - 475, 05.12.2022


Antenatal breast milk expression is the prenatal milking and storage of colostrum when production of breast milk may be difficult after birth. It is recommended by many health professionals for reasons such as accelerating postpartum lactation, increasing breastfeeding success, improving newborn outcomes and reducing formula use, especially in mothers with gestational diabetes. It is observed in the literature that there is an increasing interest in the safety, efficacy and acceptability of antenatal breast milk expression. However, there is limited evidence about the potential harms and benefits of this practice. The aim of this review is to examine the effects of antenatal breast milk expression in diabetic mothers in terms of mother and newborn, in line with the literature.


  • Aliefendioğlu D, Çoban A, Hatipoğlu N, Ecevit A, Engin Arısoy A, Yeşiltepe G, ve ark. (2018). Yenidoğanda hipoglisemiye yaklaşım: Türk Neonatoloji ve Çocuk Endokrinoloji ve Diyabet Dernekleri uzlaşı raporu. Türk Pediatri Arşivi, 53(Supp:1), 224-233.
  • American Diabetes Association (ADA) (2012). Standards of medical care in diabetes - 2012. Diabetes Care, 35(suppl.1).
  • Anuk İnce D, Takcı Ş, Gümüşer R. (2014). Diyabetik anne bebeklerı̇nı̇n yenı̇doğan dönemı̇ sorunlari. Journal of Contemporary Medicine, 4(3), 115–120.
  • Blaikley J, Clarke S, MacKeith R, Ogden KM (1953). Breast-feeding: factors affecting success: a report of a trial of the Woolwich methods in a group of primiparae. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the British Empire, 60, 657-669.
  • Brisbane JM, Giglia RC. (2015). Experiences of expressing and storing colostrum antenatally: a qualitative study of mothers in regional Western Australia. Journal of Child Health Care, 19(2), 206-215.
  • Brown MS, Hurlock JT. (1975). Preparation of the breast for breastfeeding. Nursing Research, 24(6), 448-451.
  • Casey JRR, Banks J, Braniff K, Buettner P, Heal C. (2019b). The effects of expressing antenatal colostrum in women with diabetes in pregnancy: a retrospective cohort study. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 59(6), 811-818.
  • Casey JRR, Mogg EL, Banks J, Braniff K, Heal C. (2019a). Perspectives and experiences of collecting antenatal colostrum in women who have had diabetes during pregnancy: a North Queensland semistructured interview study. BMJ Open, 9(1), e021513
  • Chapman T, Pincombe J, Harris M. (2013). Antenatal breast expression: a critical review of the literature. Midwifery, 29:203–210, midw.2011.12.013
  • Clay TJ. (2005). Colostrum harvesting and type 1 diabetes. The Journal of Diabetes Nursing, 9(3), 111-116. Committee on Fetus and Newborn, Adamkin DH. (2011). Postnatal glucose homeostasis in late-preterm and term infants. Pediatrics, 127(3), 575–579.
  • Cox S. (2010). An ethical dilemma: should recommending antenatal expressing and storing of colostrum continue?. Breastfeeding review: professional publication of the Nursing Mothers' Association of Australia, 18(3), 5–7.
  • Cox SG. (2006). Expressing and storing colostrum antenatally for use in the newborn period. Breastfeeding review: professional publication of the Nursing Mothers' Association of Australia, 14(3), 11–16.
  • De Bortoli J, Amir LH. (2016). Is onset of lactation delayed in women with diabetes in pregnancy? A systematic review. Diabetic medicine : a journal of the British Diabetic Association, 33(1), 17–24.
  • Demirci J, Schmella M, Glasser M, Bodnar L, Himes KP. (2018). Delayed Lactogenesis II and potential utility of antenatal milk expression in women developing late-onset preeclampsia: a case series. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth.18,68. s12884-018-1693-5
  • Demirci JR, Glasser M, Fichner J, Caplan E, Himes KP. (2019). “It gave me so much confidence”: First‐time US mothers' experiences with antenatal milk expression. Maternal & child nutrition, 15(4), e12824.
  • Demirel G, Güler H. (2015). The effect of uterine and nipple stimulation on ınduction with oxytocin and the labor process. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 12(5), 273–280. wvn.12116.
  • East CE, Dolan WJ, Forster DA. (2014). Antenatal breast milk expression by women with diabetes for improving infant outcomes. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews, (7), CD010408.
  • Eryılmaz G. (2008). Laktasyon ve emzirme. Editörler: Şirin A, Kavlak O. Kadın Sağlığı. Bedray Basın Yayıncılık, s: 759-787.
  • Fair FJ, Watson H, Gardner R, Soltani H. (2018). Women’s perspectives on antenatal breast expression: a cross-sectional survey. Reproductive Health, 15;58,
  • Finkelstein SA, Keely E, Feig DS, Tu X, Yasseen AS, Walker M. (2013). Breastfeeding in women with diabetes: Lower rates despite greater rewards. A population-based study. Diabetic Medicine, 30(9), 1094–1101.
  • Forster DA, Jacobs S, Amir LH, Davis P, Walker SP, Mc Egan K, et al. (2014). Safety and efficacy of antenatal milk expressing for women with diabetes in pregnancy: protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMJ open, 4(10), 2014-006571
  • Forster DA, Mc Egan K, Ford R, Moorhead A, Opie G, Walker S, Mc Namara C. (2011). Diabetes and antenatal milk expressing: a pilot project to inform the development of a randomised controlled trial. Midwifery, 27(2), 209-214. j.midw.2009.05.009
  • Forster DA, Moorhead AM, Jacobs SE, Davis PG, Walker SP, Mc Egan KM, et al. (2017). Advising women with diabetes in pregnancy to express breastmilk in late pregnancy (Diabetes and Antenatal Milk Expressing [DAME]): a multicentre, unblinded, randomised controlled trial. The Lancet, 389(10085), 2204-2213. 313 73-9
  • Foudil Bey I, Murphy M, Dunn S, Keely EJ, El Chaâr D. (2021). Evaluating antenatal breastmilk expression outcomes: a scoping review. International breastfeeding journal, 16(1), 25.
  • Güvenç O, Güzeltaş A. (2017). Diyabetik anne bebeğinde görülen kardiyovasküler komplikasyonlar. Arşiv Kaynak Tarama Dergisi, 26 (3), 310-319.
  • Ingelman-Sundberg A. (1958). The value of antenatal massage of nipples and expression of colostrum. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the British Empire, 65, 448-449.
  • Karakaya Suzan Ö, Çınar N. (2019). Kolostrum: özellikleri ve prematüre bebeğe faydaları. sted, 28(5), 367-374.
  • Lamba S, Chopra S, Negi M. (2016). Effect of antenatal breast milk expression at term pregnancy to improve post natal lactational performance. The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India, 66(1), 30-34.
  • Lessen R, Kavanagh K. (2015). Position of the academy of nutrition and dietetics: promoting and supporting breastfeeding. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 115(3), 444–449.
  • Özkan H, Sakar T. (2017). Emzirmenin yeniden başlatılması: relaktasyon. Çağdaş Tıp Dergisi, 7 (1), 113-117.
  • Pekşen S, Çınar N. (2020). Anne sütü ve emzirme. Edt: Çınar N, Şahin S. Anne ve Çocuk Sağlığı İlk 1000 Gün (1 ed.). Akademisyen Kitapevi A.Ş., s:258.
  • Salone LR, Vann WF Jr, Dee DL. (2013). Breastfeeding: an overview of oral and general health benefits. Journal of the American Dental Association (1939), 144(2), 143–151.
  • Singh G, Chouhan R, Sidhu K. (2009). Effect of antenatal expression of breast milk at term in reducing breast feeding failures. Medical Journal Armed Forces India, 65(2), 131-133,
  • Soltani H, Scott AM. (2012). Antenatal breast expression in women with diabetes: outcomes from a retrospective cohort study. International Breastfeeding Journal, 7(18),
  • Stanescu A, Stoicescu SM. (2014). Neonatal hypoglycemia screening in newborns from diabetic mothers--arguments and controversies. Journal of Medicine and Life, 7, 3(3), 51–52.
  • Taylor JS, Nothnagle M, Kacmar JE, Lawrence RA. (2005). A systematic review of the literature associating breastfeeding with type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 24(5), 320–326.
  • Tozier PK. (2013). Colostrum versus formula supplementation for glucose stabilization in newborns of diabetic mothers. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing, 42(6), 619-628.
  • Türkmen H, Yalnız H, Karaca Saydam B. (2015). Gebelikte diyabetes mellitus ve ebelik bakımı. Uluslararası Hakemli Kadın Hastalıkları ve Anne Çocuk Sağlığı Dergisi, 11-25.
  • Türk Neonatoloji Derneği (TNND) (2019), Yenidoğanda Hipoglisemi, Erişim Tarihi:21.06.2021,
  • Uikey PA, Agrawal P, Khandale S. (2017). Antenatal breast milk expression at term increases postnatal lactational performance. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology, 6(6), 2438-43. 2320-1770.ijrcog20172327
  • United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF), Beslenme, Erişim Tarihi: 12.06.2021
  • Waller H. (1946). The early failure of breast feeding; a clinical study of its causes and their prevention. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 21(105),1–12
  • Weinel H, Cusack L. (2019). Lessons learned from the introduction of an antenatal human milk expression clinic for women with diabetes. Journal of Human Lactation, 35, 725–8. 4419836981
  • Wheeler, BJ (2013). Health promotion of the newborn and family. Hockenberry MJ, Wilson D. Editors. WONG’S Essential of Pediatric Nursing. United States of America: Elsevier, p. 214-216.
  • World Health Organization (WHO) (2011). Exclusive breastfeeding for six months best for babies everywhere. Erişim tarihi: 15.06.2021
  • World Health Organization (WHO), Breastfeeding Recommendations, Erişim Tarihi: 12.06.2021 =tab_2
  • Yu X, Li J, Lin X, Luan D. (2019). Association between Delayed Lactogenesis Ⅱ and Early Milk Volume among Mothers of Preterm Infants. Asian nursing research, 13(2), 93–98.
Toplam 47 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Hemşirelik
Bölüm Derleme

Seda Tecik 0000-0003-2707-5371

Sevgi Açıkgöz Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-1348-6113

Nursan Çınar 0000-0003-3151-9975

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 5 Aralık 2022
Yayımlanma Tarihi 5 Aralık 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 25 Haziran 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Tecik, S., Açıkgöz, S., & Çınar, N. (2022). Diyabetik Annelerde Antenatal Anne Sütü Ekspresyonu. Ordu Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Çalışmaları Dergisi, 5(3), 468-475.