Makale Değerlendirme Süreci

The Manuscript evaluation process includes the following steps:

First Step (Preliminary review)
In this section, the suitability of the submitted manuscript to the journal scope, copyright form and the manuscript similarity test is evaluated.

1. The subject of the manuscript is checked for compliance with the scope of the Journal of Nuclear Sciences (JNS). Manuscripts that are not related to the scope of the JNS are returned to the author before proceeding to the next steps.

2. The suitability of the manuscript is checked according to the journal layout format.

3. Similarity test is performed with the i-Thenticate program.

Second Step (Review)

In this section, the reviewer evaluation process begins for the manuscript. The Journal of Nuclear Sciences (JNS) adopts the double-blind peer-review system in the article evaluation process. During the evaluation process, the reviewer and the authors cannot get each other's information.

1. Normally, a section editor is assigned by the Editor-in-Chief according to the scope of the manuscript. However, the Editor-in-Chief is also authorized and therefore executed the actions for accelerations of work. Then, a language editor is assigned for English language control for grammatical errors and wording corrections.

2. The assigned reviewers present his/her opinion (Revision / Accept/ Reject) about the manuscript by filling out the referee evaluation report, following the rules specified in the reviewer's responsibilities.

3. If more than two rejection reports are received from the reviewers, the manuscript is rejected directly. If revisions are requested by the reviewers (Major or Minor), these comments are sent to the author and are asked to make the relevant corrections in a given period. If the manuscript is accepted directly, the article is accepted and the next steps are progressed.

4. The manuscript revised by the author(s) is evaluated by either Section Editor or Editor-in-Chief or its Assitant Editor-in-Chief. Then the revised and corrected manuscript is accepted by the Editor-in-Chief /Section Editor. Finally, a notification e-mail is sent to the author.

Third Step (Editing/Layout)

In this section, the editing and layout processes of the manuscript in accordance with the journal format and finally the proofreading step are carried out.

1. A layout editor is assigned by the Editor-in-Chief /Section editor to adapt the manuscript to the journal format.

2. A proofreader is assigned by the Editor-in-Chief /Section editor to finalize the manuscript and bring it into a printable format. This step is continued mutually with the author. The last changes requested by the proofreader are performed by the author and the final version of the manuscript is reached.

Fourth Step (Publishing)
In this section, the relevant publication is assigned to the appropriate Volume and Issue. When the relevant issue is published, a notification e-mail is sent to the author and the publication process ends.

An İmportant Note

In case of the insufficient number of articles to be published in a current issue (Volume and Number), the accepted articles can be shifted to publish in the previous issue of JNS with a suitable delay period. This condition is rarely applied in case of force major circumstances such as Covid-19 pandemic and slow review process due to slow feedback from the reviewer.

Son Güncelleme Zamanı: 16.11.2021 18:46:36